• Falcons, Martins, Roly-Polies, Sparrows, and Whirligigs

    These machines are sold in Shop Update batches in our shop. Once we know a batch is almost ready we will make a post to our Blog to announce the date and time for the Shop Update. We highly recommend subscribing to our blog so you can be notified via email when these announcements are posted. To subscribe visit our blog and click the Log In/Sign Up button. 


  • Magpies and Starlings

    To purchase one of these two wheels you will need to sign up for the queue. The current wait time is approximately 6 months but our wait time has been decreasing due to an increase in our build schedule. Once we reach your name in the queue we will send you an email to let you know we are ready to build your wheel. We will confirm with you what you would like to order before an invoice is sent. To sign up for the queue simply visit either the Starling or Magpie page below for the wheel of your choice.

